Passo della Palomba is also dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees since many years Gilotti’s family cannot be defined a peasant family, although the grandfather of Alessandro was the manager of a large estate in Viterbo, however has a passion for everything related to agriculture. Alessandro, seriously, follows firsthand all the production phases, ranging from cultivation to pruning, from harvesting to pressing and packaging to preserve intact the scents and aromas of a virgin olive oil produced with much work and passion.
In the estate of about 15 hectares of olive groves there are approximately 5000 olive trees. There are Moraiolo, Leccino, Frantoio, Dolce Agogia and Don Carlo. From these olive groves we produce 5 monocultivars: Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino, Dolce Agogia and Don Carlo and 2 Blend: Olistico and Olistico G.C. Harvest done manually during the second half of October, pressed within hours in the company two phases will produce an oil of intense green colour rich of aromas. We are confident that you share our passion for these oils that have no equal because obtained in line with the best tradition. The time factor is essential to produce oils of exceptional quality. The objective is to collect the olives soon when aromas are still alive. The yields of an early pressing is obviously much lower but the quality is infinitely superior.
Rich in beneficial antioxidants: polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols. The crates maximum height of 30 cm to prevent the weight of the same olive can crush those lower down and start a fermentation process which will certainly deteriorate the quality of the oil produced. The oil gets to the company mill within a few hours and immediately processed. The mill continuous and two phase is ultra hygienicly pressed to ensure that preserves all antioxidants health benefits. The oil is immediately filtered after production and stored under nitrogen, bottled in dark bottles with nitrogen caps to prevent oxygen and light to alter the organoleptic qualities. This is the process that scrupulously Passo della Palomba oil follows.
The estate comprises also four hectars of a modern Vineyard with guyot system comprising Greghetto Umbro, with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon .From the grapes of this vineyard we produce small quantities of wine but of a very high quality.
With our extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality we manufacture a line of cosmetics and body care products totally based on vegetable products. The olive oil provides key health properties for the skin and body wellness.

The Azienda is famous among friends for the production of chili peppers. Alessandro is proud to be a connoisseur, a producer but especially an amazing eater of chili pepper! There are different kind of peppers: from the most common Jalapeno to the really hot Habanero without forget Cajenna.
As soon as they are ripe they are picked up and addressed to many different uses: dried, frozen , etc, without forgetting delicious jam, excellent to go with cheese or to prepare fruit cakes.
A wonderful villa with pool surranded by vineyards, olive groves and fruit groves is waitin for you.